What is “Heart Coherence?”

‘Coherence’ means harmony, connectedness, order and stability.

Heart coherence happens when your body’s systems are synchronized to an ordered rhythmic beating pattern of the heart. The fluctuations in time between each heartbeat is called “Heart Rate Variability,” or HRV. This reflects the state of the nervous system, and therefore the state of the body as a whole.

The heart is a key component of your mental, emotional, physical and energetic experience. Tapping into the heart’s intelligence allows for greater access into re-patterning thoughts and habits by addressing them at their core, by generating an emotional shift within the body.  With each beat, the heart is constantly communicating with the brain and body via the nervous system, hormonal system, and other pathways, having a profound influence on your perception, emotions, behavior, performance and health.

When in a state of high heart coherence, you will experience more emotional balance, sharper focus, increased resiliency and less stress and overwhelm. Positive feelings like kindness, gratitude, love and joy create order in the heart’s rhythm, promoting a calmer and clearer state of mind. This can be done by intentionally increasing your heart coherence, through the development of self-regulation skills and coherence breathing practices.

Have you ever experienced your heart and brain being on two different pages or wavelengths? This is when you are in a state of incoherence. Here, you will experience negative emotions such as confusion, anger, anxiety, worry or fear and your heart rhythms become disorganized and erratic. As life happens, you cannot control all events that take place, however you can be more prepared in your response to it.

Shifting the rhythms of the heart creates complete alignment within the body which allows you to access your deeper guidance system, your intuition. This is because the heart is a source of wisdom and higher intelligence, as the heart receives information before the brain does. When you learn to intentionally access your intuitive intelligence, you gain moment-to-moment guidance and begin to consistently live from your heart space.


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